Mr. E Naval Academy Graduation Session

Last Fall, I photographed Mr. E at the Naval Academy. He is a 2020 graduate. I really enjoyed photographing him. He was in a few plays during his time at the Academy and he is super outgoing. Photographing him was easy because he has such a friendly personality and a great sense of humor. He also had a few ideas for poses he wanted to do. One of my favorite ideas that he had involved the Naval Academy emblem on Stribling Walk. Apparently if you step on it you won’t graduate so he wanted a photo of him as if he were about to trip and fall on the emblem. We also got some great serious photos as well that I hope his parents love!

On a personal note, I wanted to let all of the Naval Academy 2020 Graduates and families of the graduates know how sorry I am that they will not get to attend the Naval Academy graduation. My husband is a graduate of the Academy so I know how special that ceremony is, not just for the graduates, but also for their families. I’m sure that not having a graduation has been so disappointing for everyone involved. As a military spouse I can honestly say that the best is yet to come. The things you will experience as an Officer of the Navy or Marine Corps will be memories that you will treasure for the rest of your life.   It has been such an honor to photograph a few of the students from the class of 2020. Congratulations, Class of 2020!

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