86 Washington Street, Occaquan VA Real Estate Session

I recently had the opportunity to photograph a gorgeous townhouse in Occaquan, Virginia. The townhouse has four levels and is a corner unit. It is extremely spacious and is much larger than it looks on the outside. It has over 2300 square feet with three bedrooms and 5 bathrooms. My favorite part of the house is the formal living room. It has a beautiful fireplace for use during those chilly fall nights. I can picture myself curling up with a good book by the fire! I also really love the location. It is within walking distance of Historic Occaquan. If you’ve never been to Occaquan you should definitely check it out. Occaquan dates back to 1804 with a lot of the original buildings still standing. There are quite a few shops and restaurants located in Historic Occaquan. If you would like to see the listing, please visit: https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/86-Washington-St-Occoquan-VA-22125/80614978_zpid/?. Here are a few photos from the session.

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